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What do we grow?
Plants that you will find at Catalpa Grove Farm (in season).
4.5" Specialty Pots
Bedding Plants
Hanging Boston Ferns
Hanging Ivy Geranium Baskets
Hundreds of Hanging Basket Combinations
Miniature Fairy Plants
Huge Selection of Perennials
Roses (including Miniature, Drift, and Knockout)
Tropical Plants
Vegetable Plants (Peppers, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, And A Lot More)
Vining plants (Clematis, Honeysuckle, Thunbergia, Passion Flower, Mandavilla)
Aquatic Plants
Spring and Winter Pansies
Hardy Mums (Fall)
Flowering Kale and Cabbage (Fall)
Asters (Fall)
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